Client Testimonials and References

Bayswater Vehicles

"We have been using the OPD system of strategic human resource management (SHRM) for fifteen months. The OPD-SHRM system improves the alignment of staff activity with strategy and goals so that achievement of goals improves and staffs enjoy greater success. The key business offer of OPD-SHRM is to improve overall human efficiency, people working a lot smarter they become much more effective and more satisfied with the result that business performance improves."

Alan Warner
General Manager

Click here to read the complete testimonial.
Click here to view all testimonials (Acrobat Reader req.).

Jerry Clayton BMW

"The Directors certainly regarded Jerry Clayton BMW well run, the leadership sound and the company performed well. We accepted there is always room for improvement but we did all the standard HR things so I was quietly reserved when we started with OPD. But I have to say OPD has made a real difference to our levels of human performance, and it has done this while building more focused and more positive teams. It is definitely showing up in our financial returns and the extent results have improved has been surprising."

John MacKinlay
Managing Director

Click here to view all testimonials (Acrobat Reader req.).

Chapmans Chartered Accountants Limited

"I strongly recommend OPD and am delighted with the positive impact it has had on our team and business results over the short period we have been using OPD."

Graham Chapman
Managing Director

Click here to read the complete testimonial.
Click here to view all testimonials (Acrobat Reader req.).

Club Physical

"If the focus, accuracy and effectiveness of your people influence results, then I encourage you to consider OPD. And best yet, amid the tighter focus, increased effectiveness and improved financials - the whole team are celebrating more and enjoying it more."

Paul Richards
CEO Club Physical

Click here to read the complete testimonial.
Click here to view all testimonials (Acrobat Reader req.).

Power and Marine Limited

"I have no hesitation in recommending the OPD system, it is excellent value for money, and those implementing the system provide excellent prompt service and support. Adopting this system and applying the advice provided can do nothing but improve your business."

Bruce Stevenson
CEO Power and Marine

Click here to read the complete testimonial.
Click here to view all testimonials (Acrobat Reader req.).

Auckland Vehicles

Grant Vincent, Dealer Principle (Owner), Auckland Vehicles to a new Branch Manager:

"Follow OPD advice, identify ideal actions and guide them being delivered with commitment, the money just turns up."


Support for the organization technology of Graham Little.

For full list of Graham Little science writing, 2019 SSRN citations by category. And SSRN author page

The Mind of the CEO book. "Graham, very good read ...I enjoyed. Thanks for good brain exercise" ... Paul Wilcox, CEO, Auckland Racing Club.

The Mind of the CEO workshop. ".. the course offers insights and practical thinking around the role of the CEO and how to effectively manage the organisations we lead." Tony Snow, CEO/Founder of Stratus Blue. Deputy Chair of Small Business Tauranga (SBT), a division of the Tauranga Chamber of Commerce.

Recent article published in Tauranga:

UNITEC Masters of HR thesis fourth paragraph proving 12% human performance gain from applying OPD: OPD typically uses 10% in calculation in business case in support of implementing OPD-HCD in an organization.

Comment on team member performance, Grant Vincent, OPD building clarity of focus second paragraph from end.

Better science -> better technology -> better results
Pause. Think. Thirty second sound bites will not enable the answer to the crucial leadership question: How do we draw the best from the team?
We have the best science. We have trained facilitators to guide implementation of the OPD system in your organization.
But, you need think better science -> better technology -> better results and get beyond the thirty second sound bite.